  1. Overview
  2. Release notes
  3. Current version
  4. Pervious versions
  5. Version numbering
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AAF IdP Installer Home

Developed at AAF Logo

Open Source code hosted at Github Logo

Next version :TBA

Current version

Version: 1.4.2+idp-3.4.5

Release date: 19 September 2019

This version is an Production release of the Installer. The AAF recommends using this version to upgrade your test IdP prior to upgrading your production IdP.

This release installs the following software

Software Version
Shibboleth IdP 3.4.5
Jetty 9.4.20.v20190813
MySQL Connector 8.0.16
AAF Shared Token Extension 1.1.1
dta_ssl 1.0.0
commons_dbcp2 2.6.0
commons_pool2 2.6.2
cas-client-core 3.4.1
shib-cas-authenticator 3.2.3

All other software is managed by YUM.