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  2. Requirements Checklist
  3. Installation
  4. Customisation
  5. Operation
  6. Upgrade from V2
  7. About

Customisation Tips
  1. Bilateral Agreements

Developed at AAF Logo

Open Source code hosted at Github Logo


Following completion of all the previous stages the Shibboleth IdP enters an operational phase.

Administrators should be aware of the following concerns for the ongoing operation of the Shibboleth IdP.

Common commands

# Apply configuration changes to the IdP

# Restart the IdP (Jetty)
systemctl restart idp

# Restart apache
systemctl restart httpd

# Restart ntpd
systemctl restart ntpd

# Restart firewall
systemctl restart firewalld

Filesystem structure

The stucture of the filesystem after a successful install is as follows:

├── jetty
│   └── jetty-distribution-9.2.10.v20150310     # Jetty installation
├── keypairs                                    # TLS assets used for Apache
│   ├── intermediate.crt
│   ├── server.crt
│   └── server.key
├── shibboleth
│   ├── jetty                                   # Jetty base for Shib IdP
│   ├── shibboleth-idp
│   │   └── shibboleth-idp-3.1.1                # Shibboleth instance
│   └── shibboleth-src                          # Shib Installation files
│       ├── install-3.1.1.exp
│       ├──
│       └── shibboleth-identity-provider-3.1.1
└── shibboleth-idp-installer
    ├── repository                              # Holds configuration and source code
    └── build                                   # Working directory for installer

└── log
    ├── shibboleth                              # Shibboleth specific logs
    ├── httpd                                   # Apache logs
    └── jetty                                   # Jetty base logs

Backup / Resilience

The IdP installer provides no backup or monitoring of the platform.

Deployers SHOULD:

Future Customisations

You can return to the customisation stage in the future to make further changes.